EGC: Image Generation and Classification via a Single Energy-Based Model (ICCV 2023)

<p align="center">Project Page | Paper | ArXiv</p>


Download pre-trained models

We have some released checkpoints for the main models in the paper.

Here are the download links for each model checkpoint:

More checkpoints and training scripts will be released soon.

Sampling from pre-trained models

To sample from 256x256 ImageNet EGC model, you can use the Here, we provide flags for sampling from all of these models.

For this example, we will generate 50000 samples with batch size 8 and 100 ddim steps. Feel free to change these values.

OPT="--batch_size 8 --num_samples 50000 --use_ddim True --timestep_respacing ddim100"

The classifier guidiance scale --classifier_scale is be recommended to set as 6.0 to reproduce the FID score.

Image Classification with pre-trained models

To test the image classification performance of 256x256 ImageNet EGC model, you can use the

For this example, you can run the following cmd:

./ $LOGDIR 1 1 0 $CKPT_PATH --val_data_dir=./data/imagenet256_features_val

Training models

To reproduce the ImageNet result, you can run:


Make sure that the GPU_NUM * NODE_NUN * batch_size = 512 and batch_size = cls_batch_size in the shell script. You may change microbatch to reduce the memory cost.

Prepare ImageNet data

The ImageNet-1k dataset should be organized as following:

├── data
│   ├── imagenet
│   │   ├── train/
│   │   ├── val/
│   ├── imagenet256_features/
│   ├── imagenet256_features_val/

Besides, download the autoencoder_kl.pth to the EGC folder.

Convert the raw image to latent space, using python scripts/ ./data/imagenet/train ./autoencoder_kl.pth ./data/imagenet/imagenet256_features.

Convert the raw image to latent space, using python scripts/ ./data/imagenet/val ./autoencoder_kl.pth ./data/imagenet/imagenet256_features_val.


If you find EGC useful for your work, please cite:

  title={EGC: Image Generation and Classification via a Single Energy-Based Model},
  author={Guo, Qiushan and Ma, Chuofan and Jiang, Yi and Yuan, Zehuan and Yu, Yizhou and Luo, Ping},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02012},


This repository is based on openai/guided-diffusion, with modifications for energy-based training and sampling and architecture improvements. Thanks for their wonderful works.